Honoring Our Heroes: A Heartfelt Thank You This Veterans Day

Most of us know somebody who’s served in the military or did so ourselves. For those who haven’t, it can be difficult to understand what it’s like to serve. It’s easy to forget the many sacrifices that our service men and women make. Hopefully, we all take the opportunity this Veterans Day to thank our soldiers, both past and present, for the courage they show(ed) in the face of the unimaginable. So, if you see a soldier, or someone who once was a soldier, please say:
Thank You.
Thank you for all that you do, and the sacrifices you’ve made. Thank you for leaving your friends and the comforts of home. Thank you for risking your lives, so that we can enjoy ours. Thanks for giving up the small moments in life: inside jokes, Super Bowls, backyard barbeques, and fishing trips. Thank you for allowing us to have our small victories, homecoming games, homeruns, touchdowns, dance recitals, first kisses, and first drinks. Thanks for giving us the opportunity to sleep soundly in our beds; to go to work and provide a life for our families.
Thank you for being dignified and respectful while representing our nation. Thank you for having your fellow soldiers’ backs; for suffering, bleeding, and in far too many cases, dying for our way of life. Thank you for being willing to endure cold nights, cold food, hard cots, and blisters. Thank you for coming home and doing your best to fit in, to not jump when a pot falls on the floor, or when the neighbors set off fireworks. Thank you for going through more than you thought possible. Thank you for your lost friends and comrades. Thank you for all the things we understand, and for everything we don’t.
Happy Veterans Day!