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Savvy Social Security Planning Webinar

What Baby Boomers Need to Know to Maximize Retirement Income

You’ve spent years planning and saving for your retirement, and now it’s just around the corner.

Some of the topics we’ll discuss include:

  • 5 factors to consider when deciding when to apply for benefits
  • Why you should always check your earnings record for accuracy
  • How to coordinate benefits with your spouse
  • How to minimize taxes on Social Security benefits
  • How to supplement with other sources of income

We’ll also answer some of the more common questions we hear, including:

  • Will Social Security be there for me?
  • How much can I expect to receive?
  • When should I apply?
  • How can I maximize my benefits?
  • Will I have enough income to live on in retirement?
    TBD – Please Check Back
  • Webinar Location
    Virtual Meeting over Zoom