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Plan Benchmark Reports for 401k & 403b Plans

Learn how your plan compares to marketplace standards with our 401k & 403b benchmark reports.

Plan sponsors hire Minich MacGregor Wealth Management specifically for 401k and 403b plan benchmarking services. It is an integral part of our fiduciary process.

Our 401k & 403b benchmark report spotlights and compares the attributes of your plan to marketplace standards. This report covers aspects like fees, investment fund quality, plan competitiveness, and participant success metrics. This concise analysis offers insights into how your plan compares to marketplace benchmarks.

Key Marketplace Standards

  • Investment management fees

  • Investment advisor fees

  • Administrative/record-keeping fees

  • Participant transaction fees

  • Total fees

  • The quality of your investment fund line-up

  • The diversity of your investment fund line-up

  • The competitiveness of your plan design

  • Plan features

  • Participant success measures

  • Your plan’s level of fiduciary compliance

  • How effectively your participants have invested in the plan.

Have us create your benchmark report to help you stay on track.

Your Financial Advisors

Jason MacGregor

RIA Principal,
Portfolio Manager

James Minich

RIA Principal,
Portfolio Manager

Cory Laird

Financial Advisor

Mark Landau


Andrew Pallas

Financial Advisor

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Get Your Custom Benchmark Report

Benchmark Report

Have your scheduled your next benchmark report?

After a plan benchmark report, outcomes usually fall into one of three categories: Your plan is either on track with minimal adjustments needed, mostly on target with some small adjustments recommended, or reveals significant areas for improvement and/or compliance attention.